Climate Talks

Water Stewards (feat. Todd Reeve)

Episode Summary

Water is one of our most precious resources. If we’re going to make sure there is enough water for future generations to live, we need a revolution in the way we think about and use water. We’ll hear from Todd Reeve, CEO of the Bonneville Environmental Foundation, on the work he’s doing to restore and protect local watersheds, as well as the steps he takes in his own life to be a water steward. Plus, Sophia’s friend Jess comes on the show to talk about what it's like living under drought conditions in Los Angeles. Featuring: Todd Reeve | Bonneville Environmental Foundation | CEO Stefanie Woodward | Meta | Water

Episode Notes

Water is one of our most precious resources. If we’re going to make sure there is enough water for future generations to live, we need a revolution in the way we think about and use water. We’ll hear from Todd Reeve, CEO of the Bonneville Environmental Foundation, on the work he’s doing to restore and protect local watersheds, as well as the steps he takes in his own life to be a water steward. Plus, Sophia’s friend Jess comes on the show to talk about what it's like living under drought conditions in Los Angeles. 


Todd Reeve | Bonneville Environmental Foundation | CEO

Stefanie Woodward | Meta | Water

Show Notes:

For more information on the Bonneville Environment Foundation, visit their website. You can learn more about the Mason Lane Piping Irrigation Efficiency project through Business for Water, a Bonneville Environmental Foundation program.

To find out more about Meta’s Sustainability initiatives, visit



This show is produced by work by work: Scott Newman, Jemma Rose Brown, Emily Shaw, Kathleen Ottinger and by Sophia Li. The show is mixed by Sam Bair.